countryside · crafts & knitting · in the woods

Out in the autumn woods


Contrasting leaves




Silver birch


Birch fungus




Toadstool patch


Trunk fungus


Stump fungus




Stump ends


Pink toadstools






Holly berries








Temperatures have dropped a few notches here this week and out in the woods that has signalled the start of a co-ordinated leaf drop. As we've walked the woodland paths, great flurries of leaves have been whipped from the overhead branches and blown together to form deep drifts underfoot. Because there's been very little recent rain they're lovely and crisp and the most beautiful colours, from the light gold of silver birch, through the ochre tones of hornbeam, the copper of the sweet chestnut and burnished bronze of beech, to the dusty browns of the oaks. Toby is delighted. He kicks through the crisp leaves and uses his booted feet like small ploughs, leaving furrowed piles of leaves in his wake. Our walks take twice as long at this time of year, as he likes to double back and go through the deepest patches again. I love to see him so happy at such a simple pleasure, and we keep cosied up against the cold breezes with scarves and mittens, though we do arrive home again with wind-chilled cheeks and pinkened noses.

Throughout October and November I've been out in the woods on my own too, with just my camera for company and have had fun toadstool hunting. I thought that this might be a good year for them, but they've been a bit thin on the ground and I've not found any of the beautiful fairytale Amanitas at all this year. That's half of the fun though – never knowing what you might find around the next tree stump, and I never tire of looking.

Back at home in the warm I've been trying to sort through the mass of 'in progress' animals. So far I have 4 boxes full of bits and pieces and still have more bags to sort through. It's my mission to finish them off over the coming year and get them to new homes and I think I might have a few more giveaways over the next year. By the way, I'm still reading through all of the comments on the last giveaway – there were so many! Thank you so, so much for all of your kind words and for taking the time to comment and share what has made you happy recently – I will continue to enjoy reading through all of the comments in the coming weeks.

Well, I'm off to do a bit more sorting and to try and marry up various body parts of animals and try and remember what yarn I used so that I can make any missing pieces – not a way of working that I would recommend!

Have a good week and warmest best wishes to all my American friends for a happy Thanksgiving xx


22 thoughts on “Out in the autumn woods

  1. The pics are so amazing. I love fall pics. I can’t believe how many animals you have to finish. That’s amazing.
    Nice to hear Toby is having a bit of fun on your walks. It must be fun to watch. I hope Amy is doing well with her job.
    I hope you and your family have wonderful holidays.
    Thank you for all the beautiful patterns you make. They bring joy to so many people.

  2. Although I love your little animals and have knit a few myself, I especially love your fall photography. I grew up in Indiana which has a full 4 seasons but for over 30 yrs have lived in Florida which doesn’t get fall. I miss it so much, but with your beautiful photos I can smell those leafs. Thanks so much for sharing.

  3. The beauty in your pictures reminds me of what nature offers. Your body parts and clothes are also a thing of beauty. They will all be reborn perfectly I’m sure! I’m glad I’m not the only one who has a stash like this – though mine is just a wee bit smaller…it also needs sorting. But you have a valid reason…I don’t 😉
    Thank you for sharing. xx

  4. I love your posts! I love to peek into your forests and see all the wonders you walk through! And how fascinating to see your bins of animals and animal parts! It’s all so interesting to me! Thank you so much for sharing. I’m wishing you and your family the happiest of holiday seasons! ❤️

  5. I hope your wool stash is in better state than mine Julie! Good luck with matching wool to part of an animal! Gorgeous autumnal photos, lovely to walk and kick through leaves, happy Toby, happy you !

  6. Beautiful pics Julie, I’m so glad the woods give both you and Toby so much pleasure … aren’t toadstools just amazing!!
    And my goodness so many little creatures in the making, have fun. 🙂
    V x

  7. Gorgeous photos, and I love that Toby is enjoying the autumn leaves. The photo third from the end of fabulous, that beautiful green ground with low autumn sun on it, exquisite. Love the boxes of animal bits as well, especially all of those round tummies. CJ xx

  8. I was already looking forward to a post with your lovely fall pictures! They are superb! I am deeply impressed with the enormous amount of boxes and bags with animal pieces. They made me smile!

  9. I love this time of year & after picking up our puppy at the weekend, like Toby he’s thoroughly enjoying the colourful leaves that have fallen in our garden. It’s lovely to see him charging through them & picking up the odd one to run away with lol! It’s the little things in life that give so much pleasure. I love all the boxes of your nearly completed work but, I think I’d get in a right pickle! Can’t wait to see them all come to life x

  10. Thank you for your pictures, it helps to keep my wn eyes open and I have a dream to come to your country to watch it with my own eyes 🙂
    I am still addicted in making the little cute animals!

  11. I love your Really Useful Boxes! I have several at home as well, but sadly, not full of your darling little critters. =) Stay warm and cozy!

  12. Hello Julie!
    And Happy Holidays to you and yours!! Your blog posts, and photos, and the your special knitted bunnies bring me so much joy. Thank you for sharing all the things and bringing your followers so much happiness. I can’t wait for the chance to try for more of your bunnies!!
    Danielle Rhoades

  13. Hi Julie – I dip into your lovely blog now and again. I hope you and your family have a beautiful and peaceful Christmas, and that the new year brings all the help you can possibly get. I have a friend who has a daughter with severe learning difficulties who has recently moved on into adult care, so I know some of the hoops you will have had to jump through to get that care for Toby. I hope you can always find help for him from people you trust so that you and your husband get the rest and recuperation you need.

  14. I’m late to the party Julie, but just wanted to pop in and admire your beautiful photos! You remind me that I should find a good woodland in which to wander. And, having made some of your little animals, I am in awe of your boxes full of parts. So. Much. Work!!! YOU. ARE. AMAZING! XO

  15. Interesting to hear about your knitting procedure–I suppose I had always imagined knitting all the way through animals and clothes, but I suppose that doesn’t work at scale. Do you batch the animals and do the clothes separately, or do a week straight of arms and match them up later, or something else? What part is the most time consuming? Do you save up the “easy” bits for busy days? Just being nosy 😉

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