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Mid December days

Wee chip










Well, I'm not doing well with my plan to pop in here more frequently am I? There has been productivity to my days since I was last here though; I'm scribbling notes and testing ideas for a new pattern and have been knitting lots of new animals from the existing patterns too. Having made two recent batches of finished animals has really brought home to me how much I love making them and how I'd like to make more next year, probably seasonal batches with a little theme, so I'll keep you posted here about progress.

There's been so much knitting in my December days, it's the perfect antidote to all of the planning, shopping, preparing and general business that comes with the time of year. The little bunny at the top there was made as a gift for a friend and I'm making a few more as stocking fillers (pattern is my free teeny tiny toys pattern)

I've finished and am wearing the scarf  above, knitted in the beautiful Blend No. 1 from Ysolda. I do love the softness of this yarn and it is wonderfully warm and soft next to the skin. The pattern is the Flora Cowl by Carrie Bostick Hoge but I've made it into a long scarf instead of joining the ends to make a cowl.

Also in my WIPs basket under plenty of bunny bits are lots of personal projects, a pair of mittens, 2 pairs of wristwarmers, a shawl, a scarf, a crochet blanket and 3 pairs of socks – I seem to have finally succumbed to the charm of sock knitting. Goodness knows when any of these will get finished but I'm not in any hurry.

As well as finding peace and contentment in knitting I've also been seeking out silence and solitude in the woods. It's such a perfect place to find calmness and I always come away feeling refreshed. The pictures below are from walks over the last few weeks in Cowheath wood, a mixture of pines and birches bordered by ancient oaks and hornbeams.



Pines - Copy




Mossy - Copy



 Well, I'm off to knit a little before the chaos of the weekend descends. Next week will be all about the build up to Christmas, so I expect it will be a busy one for us all. Here's wishing you some peace and calm amongst the chaos and success in ticking off most of your to-do list! See you soon x


22 thoughts on “Mid December days

  1. Thank you very much for all your lovely patterns.With all goodwishes to you and your family for Xmas and the new year. Regards from Jane Wood. xxxx

  2. Your scarf is beautiful Julie, it looks very cosy. Of course theres no hurry to finish your knitting and crochet, I sometimes feel I get caught up in the finishing and forget to relax and enjoying the making which is what its all about.
    I love your wood images, the patterns in those trees are amazing!!
    happy weekend,
    V x

  3. Merry Christmas to you and yours. I am always amazed how a person’s personality manages to come through even such impersonal mediums as electronic messages! I just know you would be someone I would love to know and chat with, but seeing your lovely photos is the next best thing. I am English but now living in Maryland so those woods fill me with nostalgia.

  4. Beautiful pictures Julie. You’re so lucky to have the woods — I’m thinking I should find some near us for a walk now and then — I could definitely use it this month (although at -17 today, I’m thinking I might not last long out there.) Have a wonderful week of Christmas prep — I’m just looking forward to being done with work mid-week — all the rest will be gravy! Have a Merry Christmas!

  5. Beautiful scarf! I get so involved in trying to finish a project quickly that I often lose the enjoyment of knitting. I have to force myself to slow down and enjoy the process. I hope you enjoy the next week before Christmas!

  6. Your photos of the woods are amazing! when I walk in the wood near my house, I never see anything so beautiful, I mustn’t be watching well enough…
    I can’t believe how many WIPs you have in your basket! and you are also knitting animals… Your tiny rabbit is a lovely idea, it is a very sweet present to make. I have been folding lots os paper for origamis, and I hope to knit or crochet a little next week. I wish you a good week end, and a happy busy week preparing Christmas. Anne

  7. Always such lovely pictures. Thank you for sharing them with us! I hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas. Enjoy your cozy knitting:)

  8. Hi Julie. Glorious photos, as ever. That little bunny is so cute……can I be your friend? Have a wonderful, peaceful Christmas and I hope next year will be less fraught for you. I’m looking forward to lots more s&t’s, chats and laughter. See you soon, and again, Happy Christmas.xx

  9. Just to let you know that Millie Mouse came out of her box on 1st December, I was so glad to see her. It’s chaos here but she is always serene. Wishing you and your family a happy and peaceful Christmas x x

  10. Thanks for the new post – I always wait for it. The woods seem to be so peaceful – good to have them near home. I was knitting a lot this week too – toys from your patterns for presents. They are so well written it’s easy to make them. I enjoy making them and – just as you – I also feel they will bring joy. Thank you very much for them and have a very merry Christmas.

  11. Love your pictures and words, Julie. Grey is so beautiful…in the sky and surrounds, but most especially in your knitting. Merry Christmas.

  12. Your wood photos are so lovely. And I love that pattern as a scarf. I have the Yearning for Gotland socks in my queue. And lastly, I can’t wait for the next animal pattern. Any hints to what it will be?

  13. I’ve just discovered your charming blog and really look forward to seeing more of your beautifully styled photos and sweet little animals. I may well find myself being distracted into buying one (or two, oh heck, any number)of your patterns. Merry Christmas!

  14. The photos of the woods are amazing, especially the second one, beautiful colours. Wishing you a Merry Christmas Julie.
    Thank you for the little pattern…………off to knit my grandaughter one for her stocking. x

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